"Alliance. We want you to form an alliance. We don’t need immortals here. Let’s go." The official also knows that it is impossible to kill Haikui and drive Haikui away.

"Before long, there will be two people who can fly in China like me. They will lead people to take your place. If you don’t want them to take your place, you’d better form an alliance with me." Haikui looked at the official and said coldly.
"Release the arrow" replied that Haikui was the order to release the arrow.
There are no restrictions on the release conditions of the magic car in their hands. If there is enough ammunition, they can release it several times if they want. At the order of the official, two soldiers have aimed at the trigger and fired it.
The whistling sound came towards Haikui with great power.
Haikui saw that today they might have settled their talks. He still had some things to confirm and said to the official, "I’ll talk to you another day."
When he finished, he flickered back and blinked, then walked for dozens of miles and disappeared.
Staring at the disappearance direction of Haikui, the official told the soldiers around him that "all dark-haired people will be shot."
"Yes" is the order of the soldiers around.
Chapter 379 Title
Hai Kui looked at those people with different skin types getting farther and farther away from him. He turned and headed for Heze. I didn’t expect to negotiate with the so-called’ monsters’ in those cities so badly that I would fight without saying a word!
Although their attack is not even tickling for Haikui, the defense barrier is strong and Haikui is impregnable. I don’t even think about it. It must have been set up by the original owner of the abode of fairies and immortals.
Not long after, I flew back to Heze to meet the group of people.
That group of people listened to Haikui’s words and waited in the same place, eagerly looking forward to the day when Haikui came back. They were all excited and their eyes were shining.
Haikui’s face fell with joy, sorrow and anger.
"Fairy, go and find out!" The old man trembled and said with excitement.
"It’s not good!" Haikui sighed and said, "I think it’s a good paradise for us to live in this place!" "
The old man was stunned and his expression was very sad. "Fairy, you are our hope. You saidno. What can we do? It’s not that we have to fight for that place, but look at us. Our feet are soaked in water all the year round, and it’s easy to get sick. Eating food, water and fish can’t even change our taste! Do you think it would be painful for you to live in this place for a hundred years? "
Haikui sounds miserable!
"All right, let’s not talk about it. Have any of you ever been in that city?" Haikui stretched out his hand and interrupted the old man complaining and asked
The old man nodded "yes! I’ve also been to the city where I was sold as a slave and beaten by monsters who didn’t give me enough food every day. I can’t stop working for a moment. Finally, I killed a monster and escaped. It’s also my fate. Four people escaped that year, and I managed to escape. Everyone else died! "
"Can you go to town?" Haikui asked himself what he wanted to know.
The old man nodded
Hai kui mu Lu mused and said to them, "Go away. I want to talk about it another day!" With that, Haikui disappeared!
"Fairy, you just left us?" The old man roared with grief, far away from Haikui’s ear, and then the old man died and fainted.
Haikui didn’t look back this time. He flew to the wall surrounded by bluestone bricks and looked at him from a distance. He wondered if there were ordinary people who could enter and leave here normally. If so, it is really necessary to cooperate with ordinary people.
Haikui can’t get in, so fat can’t get in as well as raw.
Haikui suddenly wants to know where Fat and Sheng are. He is a little unsure. If three people compete for a site, that’s his previous idea. If three people each compete for a site, it will take some effort.
Haikui glanced at the bluestone brick wall and continued to hide his body and turned to go.
He went to look for fat and life because he didn’t dare to scatter his knowledge, for fear of being discovered by fat and life, and he kept flying carefully.
Haikui kept a low profile in the opposite direction of Heze and went all the way to observe carefully and slowly bypass the city. Otherwise, it would not touch the defensive barrier and would not be discovered by the people inside.
Slowly flying farther and farther, Haikui realized that due to the terrain, all the way to the earth is a huge gentle slope, and it is strange that the city is in the mud and the old people live in Heze.
Is it because of the high mountains and long eyes? But even children on the earth know that water flows east. What is this because the east is low and the west is high? The water flows east.
With such a simple truth, people in Heze should be able to think about it and live there.
If you continue to fly forward, there will be towering giant trees. These trees are hundreds of meters high, which is absolutely difficult to see on earth. If you reach tens of meters, it will be considered as towering giant trees.
Haikui felt that the elders probably had their reasons for not moving here, and there must be something unusual here.
After the first day of flight, the blue sky looks like a fake because there is no cloud in the blue sky, but Haikui knows it is a fake, but the fake blue sky looks so beautiful.
Haikui finally dumped the city far away. He estimated that the area of the city is several hundred thousand square meters, which is quite large. Moreover, it is quite a waste of manpower and material resources to build bluestone bricks around the city into a cylinder, which is a great thing in this era of cold weapons.
Continue to fly to the depths of the towering trees, and the branches and leaves cover the sky, which is like changing from day to night.
* * Eye root can’t see how far this towering giant forest is, and there is no way for Haikui to release his knowledge and go to the depths.
Only then did I know that there were many wild animals in this forest, no wonder people didn’t come here.
Haikui kept moving forward quickly and finally came to the end of the forest. Over the end, he saw the towering peaks.
A continuous mountain peak
Living on the mountain peak, human beings still look like they are stuck in the Stone Age. The tools are all made of stones, and they are all animals and trees!
Haikui found life on a mountain peak, so he was sent here.
Haikui’s gods suddenly looked up at Haikui when he saw the birth, and Haikui cut off the gods.
From Haikui now to the birth position, there are dozens of gods, and it takes at least half a minute to get here, but Haikui is far away.
He no longer turned forward and went to the right!
After flying for a while, Haikui is still a god’s knowledge. At the end of the forest on the right side, it is a barren desert. There are also human beings there. It seems that they are barbarians. Look at them. They ride mounts and kill animals with swords or have * * * * * * * fighting. There are small battlefields everywhere.
Haikui soon found fat!
Now that Haikui has found the person he wants, there is no need for him to stay. Maybe it will be a fierce battle if they find him.
Haikui can’t figure out what this heaven and earth is now.
If Haikui leads them to win the territory according to the old man’s wishes, even if it is completed, Suzaku said that one person in heaven and earth can live, and the other two are dead!
If Haikui Xiu is the strongest, he will never find lang and Sheng directly and kill them both, then this is his victory!
How the hell is this going to be done?
Haikui was a little scratching his head. He walked slowly through the dark forest and suddenly thought of Sen Yao stopping to take something out of the bag in the high branch.
He took out the broken map in Tongta!
At that time, Fat gave the map to Haikui Haikui, and he didn’t come to see it. Now he looks carefully and wants to find some clues from the surface.
Hai Kui found the Tongta on the broken map, and then he saw four elephants representing Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qinglong and White Tiger, and then he saw a cylindrical ring.
If the guess is correct, this cylindrical ring should be a city wall!
Haikui looked at it carefully and looked at it again. It was indeed a square city.
He looked at the map carefully, and suddenly there was a palm-sized place on the map to depict the city. In the city, there was a box with the words "Heaven" written on it!
Haikui looked for a long time and didn’t find the land and people.
